Gather Resources Madagascar main objective is to find the most suitable opportunity for an applicant and the most out-standing candidate for all companies we collaborate with. We also assist companies to respect Malagasy legal frameworks. In this regard, our team will always strive to reach our goals of this vision.
Gather Resources Madagascar is committed to take its responsibilities towards its stakeholders. For any challenges, we guarantee a 24/7 assistance and participate actively to find satisfactory solutions.
At Gather Resources Madagascar; We believe that trust enhances teamwork and improves employee performance. Building a culture of trust is one of our main priorities.
At Gather Resources Madagascar; We believe that honesty and transparency are the key elements to grow business.
At Gather Resources Madagascar; We have developed close cooperation with multiple training centers specialized in numerous fields to enhance and improve employees and candidates capacities. We believe in the importance of (re)training and continuing education.
At Gather Resources Madagascar; We believe that we can learn from every challenge, remain firm in endurance. A personal and professional quality we would like to cultivate with all our candidates and our stakeholders.